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SEO Roast: Get Feedback from Experts

CategoryBy Ilias Ism
get roasted on seo

Are you looking to level up your SEO game and get constructive feedback on your website’s SEO from experienced professionals?

Look no further than, a unique community dedicated to helping people improve their search engine optimization skills through detailed site reviews and actionable advice.

What is SEO Roast?

SEO roast of GenPPT – An AI Presentation Tool

SEO Roast is an online platform where SEO professionals provide detailed video audits and roasts of websites to help site owners improve their SEO.

The roasts are typically 15-18 minutes long and cover a comprehensive analysis of the site’s SEO strengths and weaknesses.

The process works like this:

  1. Site owners reach out to request a roast of their website
  2. The SEO Roast team creates a detailed 15-18 minute video audit analyzing the site’s SEO
  3. The video is posted on YouTube and website (
  4. The video is also repurposed into written content with screenshots and posted on the SEO Roast website built with Notion and Next.js
  5. Site owners receive a backlink to their site and exposure to the SEO Roast audience

Rather than just generic SEO tips, the roasts provide specific, tailored advice for each individual website and vertical.

Roasters will often do their own analysis and research to identify the site’s top organic competitors and untapped keyword opportunities.

Benefits of Using SEO Roast

There are many reasons why SEO Roast has become a go-to resource for so many in the search industry and digital marketing community:

Learn SEO best practices through real examples

Seeing the specific optimizations that your organic competitors are doing, and getting ideas for how to apply them on your own site, makes the learning process much more concrete and actionable. The video format and detailed written posts make it easy to follow along and implement the advice.

Get an unbiased, outside perspective

Since the roasters don’t have any special attachment to your site, they can be objective in their analysis and aren’t afraid to be direct in their feedback. Sometimes we need that external push to break through plateaus and take our SEO to the next level.

Exposure and backlinks for your site

In addition to the valuable advice, getting your site roasted also provides exposure to a new audience and a backlink from the SEO Roast website. This can help drive referral traffic and boost your site’s authority in Google’s eyes.

Comprehensive and affordable SEO audits

Getting a professional SEO audit can often cost hundreds or thousands of dollars.

SEO Roast offers comprehensive 15-minute video audits along with written posts for an affordable price (currently $350).

This makes expert SEO analysis accessible to a wider range of site owners.

The Future of SEO Roast

SEO Roast has already seen strong interest and engagement, with over 97 comments on the initial launch post.

The founder plans to continue creating new roasts and building out the website with more features and resources.

Some potential future plans include:

  • Allowing users to search and filter roasts by category or topic
  • Collecting data to provide aggregate insights and SEO tips
  • Building a communit for site owners and SEO professionals to connect and share advice

As the site grows, the goal is to make SEO Roast the go-to resource for actionable SEO feedback and education.

By leveraging a combination of video, written content, and community features, SEO Roast aims to help site owners of all skill levels improve their search presence and traffic.

If you’re serious about improving your SEO and staying on the cutting edge of search, keep an eye on SEO Roast and consider submitting your own site for a roast.

With expert analysis and a supportive community, it’s a valuable resource to add to your SEO toolkit.